Graduation Performance Interest Form
Traditionally, our graduation ceremony includes student performances and also speeches from our principal and students. If you and/or your group would like to audition for this year’s commencement activities, please fill out this short graduation interest form by Tuesday, April 18. Each year, the selection committee reviews submissions and selects speeches and performances for commencement. Only North students may be included in the performance.
Please plan to send or share (via Google) your pre-recorded performance/or written speech to Jessica Saldana-Annand ( by 4pm on Tuesday, April 18. Submissions do not need to be complete performance / speech just a general outline or idea of what you’d like to present.
Once we receive your interest form, we will send you a google drive folder where you can upload your submission.
NOTE: If you plan to submit a group performance, only one form is needed for the entire group.
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