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North Eugene High School

COVID Policy

We are pleased that COVID-19 cases are declining in Oregon; however, we must remain vigilant as the virus is still widespread throughout the state. Masking is optional. If your student tests positive, please call your student’s school to let the staff know. Students who test positive are required to isolate at home for at least 5 days before returning to school. To calculate the 5-day period, Day 1 is the first full day after the symptoms develop or the positive test result is received. Isolation may end after 5 days if the individual is fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine and other symptoms have improved. It’s recommended, but not required that individuals should wear a well-fitting mask around others at home and in public, including at school, for 5 additional days (Day 6-10) after the end of the required 5-day isolation period.

Brush Up on COVID-19 Protocols: Masks are optional—either way is OK! COVID-19 vaccines are readily available and encouraged, but not required. Washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds regularly can keep you healthy and prevent the spread of germs. 4J will offer free rapid COVID testing onsite at all schools for students who develop symptoms. Parent consent is required and forms are available at all schools. coming-up: We are again partnering with the Oregon Health Authority and the University of Oregon to offer free weekly COVID-19 testing to all 4J students during the 2022–23 school year. Information on how to opt-in will be shared with families as soon the program reopens, sometime next week. Check with your school or the district website.