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**We are looking for volunteers that are interested in mentoring students. If you’re interested, please e-mail Ann Christianson at**

We would like your student to take advantage of the great opportunity at NEHS by participating in the ASPIRE mentor program.

Administered by the Oregon Student Assistance Commission, ASPIRE (Access to Student assistance Programs IReach of Everyone) is Oregon’s official mentoring program to help students access education and training beyond high school. Students receive information about college options, admission, and financial aid from a trained and supportive, ASPIRE volunteer mentor who work one-on-one with them throughout the year.

Please sign the permission slip and return it to the front office or the College & Career Center. If you have any questions please contact the Aspire Coordinator at 541-790-4588 or Catherine Moran, School to Careers Coordinator at 541-790-4518.